A Message from the Principal

What a warm week it has been! The children and staff have been very resilient with the heat, trying to stay cool, wearing hats in the sun and regular water breaks. 

Last week you may have viewed our very first virtual assembly. With the changes in operating guidelines, we saw this as an opportunity to get creative with our digital technology and produce something we have never done before. A huge thank you to our Year 6 leaders who were very flexible at short notice. It is even more important that we stay connected as a school and community. I hope you enjoyed it. Look out on Connect for our next assembly.

In Western Australia, parents and carers, school staff and students share responsibility for public schools providing safe, supportive and productive learning environments. We achieve this through our relationships, good communication and working together. Please see the attached flyer for further information. We thank all our community, staff and students for continuing to support our school in a positive way.

Please see below all the wonderful news from around our school this week.

Stay cool over the weekend.

S.P.O.R.T Fortnightly Virtue – Positive

Our S.P.O.R.T focus this fortnight is being POSITIVE. Being positive means having confidence and belief in yourself, your choices and other people. Below is our Positive Behaviour Matrix outlining excellent ways to be positive that you can discuss with your child.

Peer Mentors

As part of their student leadership role, all year 6s are trained as peer mentors; learning skills & understanding qualities necessary to “lead; with or without a badge”.

Check out our peer mentors in action!

Classroom in Focus – Kindy / Pre Primary

This week K/PP have been exploring the vast educational and holistic benefits that water play offers. Water play assists in developing an understanding of mathematical concepts, hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, problem solving skills and the ability to cooperate effectively with others. With this hot weather looming, what could be a better time to experience a hands-on approach to learning?  

Happy Children = A Happy Classroom.  

School Board / P&C Meeting

The School Board and P&C meetings have been postponed until Wednesday 2 March. Live venue and Zoom videoconferencing details to come!

Below you can find:

A Message from our School Board Chair 

Hello parents

For those that don’t know me, I am the current Chair of the School Board. The Board sets the policies for the School including dress code and homework and also approves the contributions and charges schedule each year.  You do not need any qualifications or experience to be a member of the Board. Being on the Board provides you with an opportunity to engage with the teachers and administration of the school to set strategic directions and policies for all of our children.

We are seeking a new Board member in the role of parent representative. You must have at least one child at the school to nominate for this role. 

To enable greater participation, the members of the Board have agreed to change meeting times. We will be meeting at 6pm twice per term. These dates are set well in advance and line up with the P&C meetings. The P&C is a separate body that supports parents, holds fundraisers and organises fun things for our kids (eg Canteen and Uniform Shop). 

Board meetings generally take less than one hour.  Your commitment would be 8 nights in a year plus time to read draft papers ahead of the meetings.

The expression of interest is now open and we invite you to complete and submit the attached form to me via email by Wednesday 23 February. Should there be more than one nomination received, all parents at the school will be asked to vote for a nominee. 

If you wish to ask questions or have a discussion before nominating, please do not hesitate to contact me on 0433 056 950 or via email kellydansie@hotmail.com.

Best wishes 
Kelly Dansie
Chair, School Board


Our students visit Ms Letizia in the library on Tuesdays or Fridays. Students have the opportunity to choose from a range of new and classic titles. Ms Letizia always has exciting displays to engage the students in annual events, traditions and teaches them about different authors.

Please remember to bring your library bag on borrowing days.

Canteen Superstars!

Thank you to our wonderful parent volunteers for a super successful first toastie day of the year. The Calippos kept everyone nice and cool at lunchtime.