Welcome back to the new school year! I hope you have all had a restful break. It looks like it’s going to be another interesting year ahead for all of us.
It is wonderful to see all our students excited to begin a new school year. We welcome our new Kindy families as well as those new families and students joining us for the first time at North Morley Primary School. In addition to our new students, we also welcome Mrs Kerrie Lambert as Deputy Principal, Ms Zoe Marshall in Kindy/ Pre-Primary, Mrs Binetti in Room 2 and Mr Virtyo in Room 8.
Our children, families and staff have had to adapt to many changes very quickly. I am very grateful to everyone for their understanding and cooperation. Our Stay and Play Picnic has been postponed and we hope to celebrate our community later in the school year. To replace our “Parent Welcome Meetings”, class information will posted on Connect next week. When entering our school grounds, all adults are required to wear a mask. In our current setting, as parents and carers can no longer enter classrooms, we will ensure to share regular updates of what is happening inside the classrooms through Facebook and Connect. Please ensure your contact details are up to date so that you receive these updates.
I want to assure you that the health and safety of our students and staff is our top priority and we will continue to follow the latest WA Health advice at healthywa.wa.gov.au. Our community continues to support us in the changes and we are so grateful for your understanding.
COVID- 19 Updates
All COVID-19 updates can be found both on Connect and our school website. This will be updated as required.
Postponed / Cancelled Events
As our operating guidelines continue to evolve, we will update any changes to our Term Planner through Connect and our school website.
Senior Playground
Check out the Year 6 class on our all new senior playground equipment!! A big THANK YOU to our local member Amber-Jade Sanderson for following through on her election promise. We look forward to officially opening this space with our school community.
As we welcome new families to our school community we would like to remind everyone of the parking rules around our school. We ask that families;
- Do not park and leave their vehicle in the Kiss and Drive.
- Do not park on the yellow lines across the admin driveway.
- Do not make U-Turns in front of the school.
These rules are in place for the safety of the children and our school community.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Icy pole fundraiser
The Year 6 students will be running two icy pole fundraisers this term on Friday 11 February and Friday 25 February. Zooper Doopers will be $1 each. All funds raised will go towards the Year 6 Leaders activities.
Uniform orders
Please note this term the Uniform Shop will not be open on Fridays. If your child requires any uniform items, please leave an order form along with payment at the front office. These will be filled once a week.
Juliette’s Mission
Year 6 student – Juliette – is chopping off her long locks to raise money for blood cancer support. Your NMPS community supports this huge undertaking Juliette!!!! Please follow the link if you wish to support Juliette and her mission. Any cash donations can be dropped off to the office. All funds go straight to the Leukaemia Foundation.http://my.leukaemiafoundation.org.au/traceyleicester.
Toastie Days Are Back!
Toastie days this term will be held on Friday in Weeks 3,6 and 9. Orders forms will be sent home with students one week before. Thank you to our fantastic P&C and volunteer parents for providing this service to our families. You are super stars!