Each year the graduating class presents a leaving gift to the school at graduation. This year they wanted to present their gift early so that we could enjoy it for as long as possible. Through their fundraising effort this year, the graduating class of 2022 have purchased 5 flags reflecting our Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) program values; Safe, Positive, Organised, Respectful and Tolerant. They look fantastic! Thank you for this generous gift. We look forward to these being on display for years to come.
Afternoon Tea
Interschool Cross Country
North Morley will be hosting Interschool Cross Country on Friday 5 August from 9:30am. We welcome students and families from our neighbouring Morley Network schools on this day. Families are welcome to attend.
Please note, students that have been selected for this event have been notified regarding their participation.
Rollerdrome Fundraiser
The next P&C fundraiser is at the Morley Rollerdrome on Friday 12 August from 3:30pm. Everyone is welcome to come along for a roll!
Senior Playground Opening
We are excited to be able to officially open our Senior Playground on Friday 19 August. We welcome families to join us from 2:30pm on the oval for this event.
Science Week – Week 5
The theme for National Science Week is Glass: More than meets the eye. Students will investigate and explore the many roles glass plays in the world and in our daily lives. The students will participate in glass themed activities during this week.
Spelling Bee
Speaking Comp
A Creative Competition for the Whole Family
It’s that time again! Our yearly Italian school based competition is back for 2022! I am looking for individuals or families who would like to compete in our aspiring architects competition!
- Choose a monument anywhere in the world.
- Recreate it from materials of your choice E.g. pasta, wood, coat hangers etc. Your masterpiece can be made out of multiple materials.
- The base of your creation can be no larger than 2 x A3 pieces of paper put together.
- Only one entry per family.
- Due Monday 19 September.
I look forward to seeing your entries!
In bocca al lupo!
Señora Zeiser
Maths Competition
Next week several of our Year 5 and 6 students will be participating in the Australian Maths Competition at Morley Senior High School. We wish them all the best and know they will do themselves proud!
School Development Day
Please note that the Staff Development Day for Term 3 is on Friday 26 August. There will be no school for students that day.
Recycling Hub
We would like to remind everyone of our sustainability hub and some of the items that can be recycled; bottles for containers for change, plastics, and batteries. We also have Nude Food Wednesdays which are very important in reducing waste and educating our school community. We are well known in the City of Stirling for being a waste wise and water wise school. Keep up the great work!