Volunteer’s Week
National Volunteer Week (NVW), held on 16 – 22 May 2022, is Australia’s largest annual celebration of volunteering. The theme for this year’s celebration is Better Together. Volunteering brings people together; it builds communities and creates a better society for everyone. North Morley Primary School has a proud history of volunteer’s. Whether it be Toastie Day, Chess Club, P&C, School Board, recycling or helping develop our grounds and buildings, together we make our school even better. National Volunteer Week is a chance for all of us to celebrate and recognise the vital work of volunteers and to say thank you. Last week we officially acknowledged all of our volunteers with a special assembly and morning tea. You can see the photos of all our volunteers with their certificates.
Garden Development
Last week, we met our newest volunteers, Grady Brand and Lesley Hammersley, who shared their time with us to discuss the development and extension of our Bush Tucker garden area on the corner of Alexander Drive and Whitworth Ave. With an incredible 63 years’ service between them, BGPA Director Horticulture and Conservation Lesley and Senior Curator Grady have been an integral part of the Kings Park and Bold Park families. After studying horticulture at TAFE, Grady started work as a trainee at Kings Park in 1978 working in all sections of the park. For the last 20 years he has been Senior Curator, responsible for more than 50 staff. Lesley is a relative newcomer to Western Australia. In 2000 she was working as Manager, Horticulture and Land Management at the Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne in Victoria and was involved in the early planning and development of its celebrated Australian Garden. Lesley was in charge of building the Western Australian Ecology Centre at Bold Park and constructing the Reabold Hill boardwalk and summit lookout. She later moved to Kings Park and was appointed a director in 2010.
Together with our parent and community members, Amber Campbell, Chris Olney, Narelle Hocking and Emma Harris, we explored the options to extend our already amazing bush tucker garden to enhance the opportunities for teachers and students to use this space as a learning area. We are looking forward to this ongoing project with Grady and Lesley. A huge thanks to Amber and Chris for making this meeting happen!
This term we will be reinstating our Playgroup sessions at NMPS. These sessions will be held on Tuesday mornings, 9 – 11am in our Kindergarten classroom and playground. Playgroup is a great way for your child(ren) to learn about the world, make friends and develop social skills. Playgroup also gives mums, dads, grandparents and caregivers a chance to share ideas and experiences. Many long-term friendships begin at Playgroup. All children 0 – 4 years are invited. Please let the office know if you are interested in attending.
Despite swimming being cancelled last term, we are hoping to obtain a rescheduled time for either Term 3 or Term 4. Information will be communicated to parents once we have confirmation.
Edu Dance
We are excited to bring back Edu Dance for 2022!! Classes will be held on Tuesdays, from week 1 to 9 in Term 3. Information will be coming home to students shortly.
RAT Distribution
Over the past two weeks, our school has distributed over 3000 RATS to our families. Thank you to the help of Mrs Harris, our P&C President and Mrs Dansie, our Board Chair, for their assistance in making this process happen seamlessly. If you have not collected your RATS, please pop into the office to collect them.
Reconciliation Week
Today is National Sorry Day. This day acknowledges and raises awareness of the history and continued effect of the forced removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from their families, communities and culture.
National Reconciliation Weekwill take place from Friday 27 May to Friday 3 June. The theme for this year is Be Brave, Make Change. To become a reconciled and culturally responsive society, we must look deeply within our own hearts to understand the injustices experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We must use our empathy and compassion to understand the deep trauma and suffering the Stolen Generations and their families have endured.
Sausage Sizzle
We want to say a big thank you to the Election Sausage Sizzle volunteers and our organisers Mrs Thomas and Ms Blackshaw. It was so nice to see so many families, new and well-seasoned in the volunteer game, out in the sunshine. The sausage sizzle raised $1180.61 in profit for the school. What a fantastic achievement! Thank you to all of our families for donating drinks and condiments for this event. This made a huge contributions towards the overall result.
In addition to raising funds for our children, a big thank you to our school community from No Limits for our left over soft drinks, water and sauces.
School Photos
School photos will be taken on Thursday 16 June. Order forms sent home this week. Please return your completed envelopes along with payment to the office by Thursday 9 June.
Belinda Bewick
Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair is open this week! The fair will be open to families on:
Tuesday 24 May 8:20am – 3:30pm
Friday 27 May 8:20am – 3:30pm
Scholastic donates 20% of all sales made at the fair back to the school to purchase books for our school library.
National Simultaneous Storytime
This Wednesday we are participating in National Simultaneous Storytime with schools, libraries and households all across the country. Every year a picture book written by an Australian is chosen. This year Mrs Bewick will be reading the students Family Tree written by Josh Pyke and illustrated by Ronojoy Ghosh.
Pirate Day
A successful day of pirate fun was had, while raising awareness and much needed funds for childhood brain cancer.
Kindy 2023 Enrolments / Open Day
Enrolments for Kindy 2023 are now open. Please contact the office for an enrolment form or visit the enrolment section of our website. (insert pathway to enrolments here)