Easter Break

Wishing all our families a safe and happy holiday together. We look forward to welcoming students back for Term 2 on Monday 15 April.

Principal’s Postcard

Holiday Busy Bee

As a part of cleaning up and restoring the school’s native bushland we are organising a busy bee during the school holidays. The purpose of this busy bee is to remove all the introduced species present within the bushland. We will have our Botany team on site to ID plants and tag ones that are not native to the area. These plants will be removed and replaced with natives in the future.

We are also excited to say that the schools appointed Native Title representative will also be on site to assist us in the identification of species as well as building a knowledge base of traditional names and plant uses.

If you are able to lend a hand, join the busy bee team on either Thursday 11 April or Friday 12 April anytime between 10am -2pm. We would love to see you there!

Student Assessment Overview

Student results of standardised assessments completed in class will be sent home the last week of Term 1 and Term 3. This gives families an overview of how their child(ren) are progressing throughout the year, outside of reporting time. Teachers use these standardised assessments to track progress and growth within each individual student. These will be going home the last day of term.  


This term during Warhammer the students have been developing their imagination, artistic and social skills through building, painting, and battling with their models. We want to say a huge thank you to Bodie for running these amazing sessions and the Perth Warhammer store for partnering with North Morley and supporting this program.

North Morley Cookbook

Recipe templates are available for our inaugural North Morley Cookbook. If you would like to contribute a recipe, please complete and return to admin by Friday 24 May.

Term 2 Planner

Term 2 planner will go home with students first week of Term 2.

Term 2 Kindy Days 

Information regarding the first day of Term 2 for Kindy students has gone home to families. Please note that due to this term being a 9-week term, the rotation will change for Term 3.

Leavers Shirts

We have a very proud group of Year 6 students sporting their new leavers shirts. They are all walking a little taller!