To assist with Ms Lisa Gibson’s return to work, the Department has appointed Mrs Rebecca Appleton to North Morley Primary School as Principal for Term 4. Mrs Appleton will undertake the day to day running of the school. Should you have any questions regarding your child’s education, classroom matters or the operation of the school these should be directed to Rebecca. Lisa will be focusing on the School Review and planning for 2023. Any enquiries regarding the School Review and Planning for 2023 will go to Lisa.
We would also like to welcome Mrs Jen Meyer to North Morley Primary as the permanent Deputy Principal. Jen will be with us Wednesday to Fridays.
The leadership team will be working together to ensure the school runs smoothly.
Grandparents Day Morning Tea
On Friday 4 November The Pre-primary students will be hosting a Grandparents Day assembly from 8:50am. This is a special day on the North Morley calendar when we celebrate the wonderful grandparents in our school community and acknowledge everything they do for our students and school. All grandparents are then invited to pop into their grandchild’s class after assembly for a visit, followed by morning tea in the staff room at 10am.
If the grandparent in your life is available to attend, please call admin to RSVP on 9218 1650.
World Teacher’s Day
We want to thank all of our wonderful teacher’s for their dedication and hard work they continue to show every day here at North Morley Primary School. Our teachers commitment to the students and our school is second to none. You are one of a kind!
Telethon Fundraiser
Our staff and students dressed up as superheros to raise money for Telethon. Representatives from Telethon visited North Morley to video our superheroes in action. We raised $267.20 that was presented by our very own Tobias on air during the main event. The Keeshan Family also took part in Telethon, representing the Autism Association as their featured family this year. Way to go Keeshan’s!
Thank you everyone for making a difference.
Year 6 Assembly
The Year 6 students presented their last primary school assembly item with an outstanding synchronised basketball performance. Their hard work sure paid off. It was one to remember!
Musical – Aladdin Trouble – Save the date Thursday 10 November
This year’s musical, Alladin Trouble, will take place on Thursday 10 November. There will be 2 performances on this day; a matinee at 1:15pm and an evening performance at 6:00pm.
Tickets for this performance will go on sale Friday 28 October from 8:30am in the office. Sales will be limited to 2 tickets per family at $1.00 per ticket. If there are any remaining tickets, we will open up sales again on Wednesday 9 November.
Before School Care Available
Camp Australia Before School Care is now available at North Morley Primary School from 6:45am! BOOK IN NOW via the Parent Portal app, or jump onto our website to register!
Active Transport Competition
Our Active Transport competition continues this week. There are some fantastic prizes to be won including … a NEW BIKE!
Don’t forget to fill out a respect token every day you walk roll or ride to school. Tokens are available under the Welcome sign.
Prizes generously donated by YourMove.
Scholastic Book Club
Issue 7 of the Scholastic Book Club has been sent home with students. If you would like to place an order, please do so through the Book Club LOOP parent login by Monday 7 November.