Message from the Principal

To North Morley Primary School community,

Thank you all for the most warm welcome into your wonderful school.

To all the students, from Kindergarten to our Year 6 leaders. Thanks for chatting with me in the playground, reading with me, showing me your amazing work when you visit the office and sharing with me your thoughts on how to make our school even better if. I have loved getting to know each and every one of you.

To all our committed staff. I am extremely thankful for the enthusiasm you have shown in providing for the growth and progress of student learning. It has been a pleasure working with you all, both collectively and individually. 

To our parents and carers. It has been an interesting time, particularly in Term 1. You continued to support all the decisions we made in doing our best to maintain the health of our community.  It has been wonderful collaborating to support the education of our students.

A special thank you to Mrs Kerrie Lambert, who also finishes at NMPS this term. Mrs Lambert stepped seamlessly into the role of Deputy Principal this semester, with enthusiasm and a drive to excel. Her commitment to supporting students and parents in our school has been appreciated. I know she will be missed.  

I wish you all a restful holiday and a healthy Semester Two,

Mrs Bewick


The theme for NAIDOC Week 2022 is Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! It is a celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their culture and achievements.  Throughout the week students have been learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples history and participating in activities to celebrate NAIDOC Week.


We have loved welcoming new families to our Playgroup these last couple of weeks. Playgroup will be back again next term every Tuesday from 9-11am in the Kindy room. If you would like to find out more about the NMPS Playgroup, please contact admin on 9218 1650.

Reading Room

The Early Bird Reading Program has begun in our new Reading Room every Tuesday and Thursday morning. Did you know that starting your day with reading helps reduce stress, and improves focus and memory? Our early morning readers are loving this start to the day!

Buddy Bench

Check out the new Buddy Bench generously donated this week by the Rotary Club of Morley and The Men’s Shed Bassendean. It was unveiled in a lovely spot under a tree near the senior basketball court. The Buddy Bench provides a comforting place to go when students are feeling lonely and in need of a friend. Members of Rotary Club of Morley and The Men’s Shed Bassendean visited our school to install the new bench with materials and funds donated by Midalia Steel and Stockman Paper Merchants.

Thank you for your support!

Planting Natives with Bunnings

The year 6 students have been busy planting natives near the Whitworth Place entry of the school. A representative from Bunnings came with the donated plants to oversee this project with the students. Thank you Bunnings Bayswater for your generous donation!

Under Cover Area Makeover

We want to say a huge thank you to Mr Gentili for donating his time and resources to give the undercover area a makeover! The 5 colours represent our S.P.O.R.T values; Safe, Positive, Organised, Respectful and Tolerant. This pop of colour is a great reminder of these virtues that are a big focus at North Morley.

Chess Club

And…that’s a wrap on Chess Club for this term! Thank you Mr Buntain for sharing your expertise each fortnight with the students, it is truly appreciated!