Volunteers Week/P&C Day
This week we celebrated the wonderful volunteers at North Morley Primary. An Appreciation Station was set up for students and family members to leave messages of thanks throughout the week. Did you know so many of the fantastic activities and services provided at the school are run by volunteers? Stay & Plays, Busy Bees, Raffles, Colour Runs, Uniform Shop, Warhammer, Discos, Roller-skating, Fundraisers, Walking School Bus, Classroom help… the list goes on! Without the generosity of our wonderful community, our school would not be able to participate in all these extra special events.
Volunteer Week wrapped up with P&C Day. At last count, on average WA P&Cs donated an estimated total of almost $12 million and nearly 500,000 volunteer hours each year to Western Australian school communities. Each year, we pause to celebrate and acknowledge the magnificent contributions of our P&C Associations.
Today our volunteers enjoyed a morning tea of gratitude. Thank you, North Morley volunteers, for everything to do to make our school extra special. We appreciate you so much!
National Simultaneous Storytime
the same day every year, students around the country listen to a story simultaneously that is written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator. Promoting the value of reading and sharing in the joy of storytelling, it is a wonderful opportunity for the students to enjoy a story together as a whole school.
This year’s book was The Bowerbird Blues, performed by NMPS staff. It is unclear who enjoyed the performance more, the cast or the audience, but what is clear, should Mr Chiappalone ever choose another career path, the theatre is calling!