Principal’s Postcard

Stay and Play

Photo Day

National Reconciliation Week

The theme for 2024, Now More Than Ever, is a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will —and must —continue.

Throughout the week students continued to learn and celebrate First Nations Peoples culture, language, and history.

Through our words and actions, together we can create a better Australia for us all.

Reclaim the Void

Elders from Leonora in WA had a vision to symbolically heal country from the many holes dug through mining across sacred land. The dream, to create a large dot artwork created by woven rugs that would cover one of these holes. A call out was made, seeking over 3000 rugs!

Throughout Reconciliation Week, students at North Morley worked in pairs during lunch, sharing the weaving and chatting us they went. Over the week, many hands were involved in creating each of these beautiful rugs.

Every session the students marvelled at the artist’s concept image, discussed how their rugs would be incorporated and the vision behind this special project. We have loved coming together, especially during Reconciliation Week, to be part of this meaningful project.

Our rug donation has now been delivered. Over the next couple of months, over 3000 rugs will be pieced together. We cannot wait to see this amazing vision come to life.

Cross Country

Connecting Cultures Cookbook

The recipes are starting to roll in for our Connecting Cultures Cookbook! It’s not too late to share your favourite family recipe. The deadline has been extended to Friday 19 July.

Recipes can be submitted on the template sent home with students, alternatively they can be emailed as a word document directly to

This is shaping up to be a fantastic publication celebrating the many cultures we have at North Morley.