The P&C ran a fundraiser at the Rollerdrome last week. A fun afternoon was had with lots of kids skating for the first time – their persistence and enthusiasm was heart-warming! Although the best part was having fun together, $276 was raised for our school!
Massed Choir Festival 2022
Tickets are now on sale for this year’s Massed Choir Festival. The North Morley PS Choir will be performing on
FRIDAY 23 SEPTEMBER. Please ensure you select the correct date when purchasing tickets.
A huge CONGRATULATIONS to Qisha who has been selected to sing two solos at this year’s festival.
We want to also congratulate Savana for her excellent audition for the role of compere. Although she was not selected for the role, Savana should be very proud of her effort!
Both of these students showed great courage when putting themselves forward for these roles. Qisha will be performing not only in front of the other 5 choirs performing on the night, but to a sold out Perth Concert Hall!
Playground Opening
The school community, along with Amber Jade Sanderson MLA and P&C President Emma Harris, gathered to officially open the senior playground. We want to say a big thank you to Ms Sanderson for pledging funding to develop this area and to the P&C for engaging this project. We were not only able to purchase the climbing cube but logs for the nature play space, a picnic table and logs for a yarning circle, which can also be used as an outdoor classroom. The students love their new outdoor space.
Science Week
Throughout Science Week students have been learning about glass and the many roles it plays in our ever day lives. From exploring nature with magnifying glasses to creating their own ‘stained glass’ windows, the students have enjoyed the many experiments and investigations undertaken this week.
Faction Athletics Carnival
The Athletics Faction Carnival will take place on Friday 2 September from 9am. Students from PP to Year 6 will be participating on the oval. The Kindy students will have their own carnival next to the Kindy playground, time to be confirmed. A full program of events will be posted next week.
Please ensure your child has a faction shirt for this event. Uniform orders will be accepted in the office until Wednesday 31 August at 3pm.
The Jumps and Throws component of the carnival will take place on Monday 29 August from 9am on the oval. Families are welcome to attend.