School Development Day Friday 25 August.

Reminder: School Development Day Friday 25 August. There will be no school for students.

Culture Café

Families gathered on Friday to celebrate the diversity at North Morley and share food that celebrates their culture. We feasted on delicious food from around the world and shared traditions and memoires that these dishes bring to us.  We want to say a huge thank you to those who were able to attend and for sharing your stories with us. 

The recipes shared will be featured in our inaugural North Morley Cookbook. We would love to include recipes from families who were unable to attend Fridays event. Information on how you can be involved will be sent home to families this term.

Mural Painting

Artist Mel Spillman of Maarakool Art has begun creating our North Morley mural that will hang just outside the admin. The students were taught traditional Aboriginal dot painting to create a vibrant piece that will represent North Morley and the land on which we meet. Next month the rest of the students will have their opportunity to contribute to the mural. It is looking spectacular!

Book Week Parade

Book Week is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate Australian children’s authors and illustrators. We encourage students to come dressed as their favourite book character on Thursday 24 August. Students will be showcasing their fantastic costumes in the Arts Centre from 8:50am. Families are welcome to attend. 

Jumps and Throws / Faction Carnival 

Carnival Week kicks off with Jumps and Throws on Monday 28 August from 9:00am followed by the Carnival on Friday.

Uniform Orders

If your child requires a faction shirt for the upcoming carnival, please leave your order in the office no later than 9:00am Thursday 31 August.

Science Week

Last week we donned our lab coats and highlighted all things Science. The students and staff shared with us what they have been learning this term.  From biological science to chemical science, it was an explosive week! Hop on over to our North Morley Primary Facebook page for a more in depth look!