Midland Photography will be returning to North Morley on Thursday 15 June for a photo catch up session. Those students that were away on photo day will have the opportunity to have their individual or sibling photo taken during this time.
From the Science Lab
In Earth and Space Science the Year 5 students have been learning about the Solar System. We were fortunate to have our School Scientist Dr Karen visit us to talk about her job as an astrophysicist. To conclude the session the students completed an activity to scale the Solar System on a piece of paper as long as their arm. The students thoroughly enjoyed Dr Karen’s visit. This is what some of them had to say:
” I liked how she showed us how far away everything is.”
“I enjoyed the videos and the scale the universe activity.”
“I was interesting how long the universe is, and it was fun doing the scale mapping.”
“It was exciting to see the different ways they look at the universe e.g. x-rays and ultraviolet rays.”
School Board / P&C Meeting
The School Board is meeting on Wednesday 14 June at 6:00pm in the main office. If you would like to attend, please contact the office. Everyone is welcome.
Roller-skating Fundraiser
Cross Country – Save the date
Students from Pre Primary to Year 6 will be participating Cross Country on Monday 19 June from 1:30pm on the oval. We encourage families to come along and support the students.
Cards that Count
Look out for this creative fundraising opportunity run by the P&C. Turn your child’s artwork into personalised greeting cards. Each artwork will be processed into a pack pf 8 cards with accompanying envelopes. Detailed information regarding this will be sent home with students. Completed artwork will need to be handed in to the office by Friday 21 July.
Principal’s Postcard
Culture Café
We were so excited to see so many families come together for our inaugural Culture Café. Stories were shared and new friendships were made. The Culture Café is an opportunity for families to come together and share their culture so we can learn and grow together as a community. We look forward to seeing you at the next one!
Pokémon Preview Sessions
This is proving to be a very popular way to spend Friday recess!
Italian Schools Competition
A big congratulations to Year 5 Bella who received a “highly commended” prize and trophy for her year level in the competition.
Bella, her family and myself attended the official presentation on Saturday 3 June at the Italo Welfare and Cultural Centre.
It was a great afternoon where we saw works of entrants across 25 schools that participated in all year levels on display. Work that was surely of a very high standard, with lots of effort and creativity put into the students’ work.
Also I’d like to congratulate Joshua Year 6, for his outstanding work recognised by the judges. MAGNIFICO!
Thanks to all students who took on board this great community competition. Grazie!
Signora Zeiser – Italian Teacher
From the Library
A big thank you to all of the volunteers who helped make the Book Fair such a success; Emma, Toby, Josh, Karen, Erin, Rebecca, Stephanie, Rita, Andrew, Fenris, Rob and Aga. The fair made $2705.25 in sales giving North Morley $753.00 in commission. This money has been spent on new resources for the library.