Welcome back to Term 4

Dear Parent and Caregivers

Welcome back to Term 4. We hope that you and your children had a restful holiday break.

I have had a very friendly welcome by all the students, staff and community members at North Morley Primary School. I am trying very hard to learn all the students’ names and they have been very helpful and patient! If you see me out and about, please come and introduce yourself. I also look forward to meeting many of you at our P&C meeting on Tuesday 19th October.

Everyone is very excited for our whole school excursion to the Boola Bardip Museum this Thursday 21st October. All our staff have been extremely busy with planning and a very big thank you to Mrs Offer for coordinating this event. All students are reminded to wear their full school uniform and to bring their lunch in the plastic bag provided by their classroom teacher. The buses will be leaving by 9am so please don’t be late for school. School will still be open for students who are not attending the excursion. We ask that they meet at the front office on that morning.  

I am personally very excited to visit the new museum for the first time and I cannot wait to share this experience with the students.

Mrs Bewick

P&C Meeting

The next P&C meeting is on Tuesday 19 October at 7:30pm in the staffroom. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Assembly this Friday

Our first assembly of the term is this Friday. The Year 5/6 students in room 7 will perform their assembly item. Certificate recipients names will be posted on Connect on Tuesday afternoon. Families are welcome to attend.

Book Club

Scholastic Book Club has been sent home. Please return by Friday 29 October. Online orders only. NO CASH ORDERS PLEASE.

PJ Day

Thank you for your donations for Telethon raised on PJ Day. North Morley will be donating $233 to Telethon.

Waste Wise Incursion 

Peg from Waste Wise came in to discuss all things waste and worms with the students. Everyone had the opportunity to get their hands dirty and enjoyed an animated session, re instilling the importance of composting. 

Tickets now on Sale! 

Wind in the Willow tickets are now on sale through the office! Families are allocated 2 tickets per household. A second release of tickets will be made available on Tuesday 9 November if we have not sold out. Tickets are $1.00 each.

Toastie Days are here for Term 4!  

Order forms for our first Toastie Day on Friday 22nd October have gone home. Please return order forms and money to the P&C block by Wednesday 20th October. In order to make Toastie Days sustainable for our volunteers, we will not be accepting any late orders after 3pm on the due date. We are also not in a position to provide change, so exact money only please. Toastie days will run every Friday on weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8. Thank you to our P&C for running this for our students.

Twilight Bowls