The main objective of the Parent’s and Citizen’s Association (P&C) is to generate cooperation between parents, teachers, students and members of the general community. We assist in the provision of resources, facilities and amenities for the school through fundraising.
The P&C runs the uniform shop, canteen days, garden club and special events through our wonderful volunteer parents.
Ways the you can be involved in our P&C:
Join the Parents and Citizen’s Association – Help with fundraising, connect with other enthusiastic parents and stay in touch with what is happening within the school.
Micro Volunteering – Put your hand up for any small volunteering jobs that come up throughout the year. This will be posted through our Facebook page. Many hands make light work.
Help in the canteen – Prepare food, serve the kids and tidy up.
Speak another language? – Perhaps you can support other families within our school community by translating documents and communicating important information.
Busy Bees – The P&C organises busy bees through the year to help maintain and enhance the school grounds.
P & C Meeting Minutes
P&C Minutes 2023
P&C Minutes 2022
P&C Minutes 2021
Join our school Facebook page at: