Beyond Blue | 24/7 Support for Anxiety, Depression and Suicide Prevention
Child and Adolescent Health Service
Early Years Learning Framework
Headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation
HealthyWA – Childhood immunisation schedule
Hello Kindergarten Shaping the Future
Internet Safety Education for Primary Schools
Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines
Perth Aboriginal Services – mental health services
Reimagine Australia
(support for children with development delay or disability)
Triple P – Positive Parenting Program
Useful phone numbers
CAMHS Crisis Connect (Metropolitan children and young people 24/7) 1800 048 636
Family Counselling and Information Service (24 Hours) 1800 643 000
QLife (3:00pm – Midnight) 1800 184 527
Kids Helpline (5-25 year olds, 24/7) 1800 551 800
Ngala Parenting Line (08) 9368 9368 Metro or 1800 111 546 Country