We love having you at school!

Principal’s Postcard

Updated Attendance Policy

Volunteers Week

We want to thank our parents, carers, grandparents, community members and staff who give so much to North Morley and make our school such a wonderful place. We also want to say an extra special thank you to our P&C members who work tireless throughout the year to support the school. We couldn’t do it without you!

Culture Café

Walking Safely to School Day

It was a glorious morning for a walk and a great way to end a busy week. The Faction Captains were busy tattooing all of the walkers, rollers and riders. Here at North Morley we encourage active transport rain or shine.

Book Fair 

Exciting adventures await all those who visit this year’s Bookaneer Book Fair. There is something for everyone with a huge range of titles available.

Students and staff will be previewing the fair Monday to Wednesday, with the opportunity to complete a Wishlist.

The book fair is then open to families:

Thursday 25 May 8:15am – 3:30pm

Friday 26 May 8:15am – 3:30pm

We look forward to seeing you there!

Disco Skate Party Fundraiser