Welcome Back / Classroom Meetings

We look forward to welcoming the school community for our annual Welcome Back Picnic, on Friday 23 February. Families will also participate in a classroom information session during this time. This is an opportunity for you to find out about what to expect in the year ahead, routines, general classroom information and the best way to communicate with your child’s teacher. One on one parent meetings will not be taking place at this time. 

School Board / P&C AGM Meetings – Save the date

The School Board and Parents’ and Citizen’s Association are important bodies made up of volunteer members who work together to make a positive impact on our school.

Who / What is the School Board?

The role of the School Board is to work in a consultative and decision-making capacity with the school to achieve the best outcomes for students. The Board endorses and reviews items such as charges and contributions. They also provide advice to the principal on policies, the Annual Report and reviews the school’s performance through regular reports and data. The School Board consists of a Chair, Secretary, Principal, staff members, parents, and community members. Members must nominate and be elected to the board.

Who / What is the Parents and Citizens Association (P&C)?

The role of P&C is to promote the interests of the school through co-operation between parents, staff, students, and the wider community. The P&C organise fundraising events to help raise monies to assist in providing resources and amenities for the students and the school. The P&C consists of parents, wider community members, Principal, and staff. Anyone is welcome to join the P&C.
The first meeting of the year is on:

Wednesday 21 February:

  • School Board 6:00 – 7:00pm – Admin
  • P&C Annual General Meeting 7:30 -8:30pm – Staff Room

Please contact the office if you would like to find out how you can get involved.

Student Council Assembly

Our first assembly of the year will be run by our new student council members on Friday 23 February from 8:50am. Families are welcome to attend.

Second Step

This year, North Morley starts a whole school social and emotional learning programme, called Second Steps. Many studies have shown that students who participate in targeted programmes such as Second Step, have higher academic success, improved connectedness, and self-esteem. Positive social behaviours are explicitly taught, practised, and reviewed.

Second Step links with the Positive Behaviour Support practices that we currently have in our school by promoting a deeper level of problem solving and retrieval of important skills for learning across all areas.

Stay tuned for your teacher’s Connect posts, where they will attach relevant home links to support your child and family. Home links are simple, fun activities that encourage interaction between students and their family members and care givers. These activities give students a chance to practise Second Step skills outside of the school context. These are not compulsory homework activities.


NAPLAN will take place for the Year 3 and Year 5 students between Wednesday 13 March to Monday 25 March. For additional information jump on the NAPLAN website at NAP – NAPLAN

Rollerdrome Fundraiser

The first P&C fundraiser of the year is at the Morley Rollerdrome on Friday 1 March after school. Grab some friends and join us for a wheelie good time!